Saturday 10 July 2021

Does temperature affect urine tests?

A urinalysis gives details about the patients’ general state of health. It’s easy to follow that urine tests can detect disorders of the kidneys and urine bladder. However, incorrect urine results can be caused by disorders of the liver, pancreas, heart, blood arteries, adrenal glands, or mind. A urinalysis that has been appropriately obtained and done is suggested as part of the minimal clinical work To correctly diagnose the patients, we need to know not only about parasitic infections but also about how specimen processing and storage practices can alter urine results. In other cases, the data are so tainted that an accurate diagnosis is impossible to make.

Does temperature affect urine tests?

Since many businesses appear to feel compelled to do urine tests if you’d like to safeguard your confidentiality, you must deliver your urine specimens at the proper temperature One explanation seems to be because your pee can be assessed as false or real, it must be at the proper temperature. With this in mind, you must consider how to keep your pee warm. The methods are fairly simple, and if performed correctly, should spare you a great deal of stress and shame.

Does temperature affect urine tests

The first step in keeping your urinate warmer for a drug screening is to keep it in your bladder until you’re ready to release it into the designated testing port. If you’re using exogenously derived urine, you can put it on the top of the vehicle’s heater vents while driving to the outpatient therapy program If you’re wearing tight underpants, you might also store it between your junk. However, if you want to urinate in front of your parole or case manager and get a clean result, you’ll have to reconsider a lot of stuff. It’d be preferable if you avoided using anything damning in the conversation.

What Exactly Is the Purpose Of A Urine Drug Test?

Urine background checks are absolutely one of the worst fears of anyone who has ever ingested any number of narcotics. The temp of the urination is the primary reason they flunk after such a test, which is why several people use the urinator kit and synthetic pee. The range of temperature of this urine sample might vary from that of the initial drug-free urine test.

It really should be mentioned that during a urinary drug screening, a certain analysis must be performed. The following are some of them:

The optimum temp for drug-free urine is around 37 degrees Celsius, otherwise, the urine sample would fail during the processing and the drug residues may show some very dangerous outcomes. As a result, using urine warmer could help you pass a drug screen.

In the first 4 minutes after delivering the specimen, the analyst is supposed to examine the temperature range of the urine. And if you’re not planning on delivering your urine specimen right away, you should keep it in the freezer.

What are the steps in the urinalysis procedure?

It’s vital to remember that urine’s temp might change depending on the local environment. That’s why you must use whatever tools necessary to control the temperature.

Additionally, if urine samples are maintained in a cold environment, they may be destroyed or change color. It should be mentioned that temp plays a significant part in the urinary process, which is why it must be appropriately maintained to achieve the desired outcome.



Tuesday 6 July 2021

How does the temperature strip on a drug test work?

A temp strip is fitted to the exterior of the glass beaker for drug screening. Based on the temperature of the specimen, the strips would change color. This would be to differentiate between a legitimate specimen and a fraudulent or tainted one.

In order to achieve adequate findings from doping tests, the quality of the sample collected is critical. Checking the temp of the given test to determine its authenticity is becoming a routine procedure.

The temperature during drug screening: Between 4 to 5 mins of taking the specimen the temp should be checked, as well as the results, ought to be within 90 and 100 ° F (32 to 38 degrees Celsius). If the temp falls outside this region, the submitted specimen may be diluted, adulterated, or substituted. Our ten-panel drug screen with contamination analysis is a major turn system that screens for any additives so people don’t have to manually. We also have covers for the top five people who misused substances.

temperature strip

What is the purpose of a temp strip?

A temp strip is a form of thermometer that comprises heat-sensitive fluid droplets in a drain valve that turns color to indicate various degrees. Liquid crystals feature both liquids & single-crystalline mechanical properties qualities. The hue of the fluid crystal changes as the temp rises and falls. These systems allow it to be used to measure temperature. The crystalline sensors offer a 0.1 degree Celsius spectrum of sensitivity.

Crystalline temp indicators come in a variety of shapes & sizes to meet any need, and they produce real-time temps. Unlike traditional thermostats, these thin, elastic, laminated emulators contain adhesive and magnetic bases that may be simply connected to any input. Crystalline thermometers are highly accurate and dependable. Such printed tags are utilized in the medical and manufacturing industries, drug testing, medical equipment, aquariums, and the forehead, among other places, due to their high quality, simplicity, and appropriateness.

Disposable fluid crystal temp strips are available for both clinical and domestic use. Accurate temperature signaling labels are available in a variety of styles that are both cost-effective & adhere to SAMHSA standards. The temp of the newly evacuated sample can be determined using these indicators.

How Does Temperature Strip Work?

The self-adhesive tags are made up of a sequence of heat & cold-sensitive components. (TLC) is microencapsulated & plated on a dark substrate in these components. The color of each component varies as the energy passes through it, but these strips were regulated to represent the exact temp.

The components that include TLC particles are extremely heat resistant, and their state changes whenever the temperature rises Whenever the molecule of liquid crystalline alters, the fluid crystalline absorbs light & reflects it. As the temperature drops, the particles diffuse back and emit light.

How to Interpret a Drug Test Temperature Strip?

There are several different types of drug screening cups in the marketplace. Some drug screening glasses include a temperature indicator, whereas others do not. Heating strips that really are self-adhesive and may be fastened to any sample tube containing are commercially available. Due to dual scales on such strips, temperatures may be viewed in both Celsius or Fahrenheit.

It’s critical to check the heat strip between four to five mins after the natural insecticide is received in the background checks cup. The color green indicates that the temperature of the urine samples is within the test range (normally 32-38 °C/90-100 °F). If the color of the urine test does not change, it is adulterated.

If the temp of the urine test falls outside of the acceptable limit the specimen will be rejected as unfit for analysis. After time has passed, the donors will be requested to produce a new urine test.

Getting the proper temperature

Heat-sensitive fluid crystals in fluid crystals thermometers, temp strips, or plastic strip thermometers change color to show different temps. The compressive strength of liquid crystals is similar to those of a single crystalline. They could detect temp differences of less than 0.1°C. Colour changing is used on crystalline temp labels to represent temps or temperature ranges.

Since these are written on the label, these could be made in almost every shape and size to meet any requirement, and they can even include real-time temps. The tiny, stretchy temperature indicators include adhesive or magnet supports that make them easy to stick where regular thermometers can’t.

Whether it be for safety, health, effective use, excellence, or comfort, good labeling effectively describes the ideal temperature. Liquid crystal thermometers are used by leading businesses in doping tests, pharmaceutical companies, & industrial sectors whenever precision and dependability are critical.

The dual card could be used for testing both with rising and declining temperature probes. If the labeling becomes red, it means the testing sample was kept at temps that were either too high or low before using it, thereby impacting the test’s validity. Similarly, it can reveal whether urine was not held at room temp after usage.

The temperature is a useful indicator

The effectiveness of clinical trials is determined by how well the supervisor adheres to (DOT) and/or (HHS) guidelines. The information obtained may be deceptive and erroneous if improper processes or methodological approaches are applied. Temp is one of the most precise ways of ensuring healthy has been obtained. It’s a highly empirical way of determining if something is wrong

Heat management is important when it comes to drug tests. One can efficiently control and monitor the temp in your acquisition process with the correct technology, such as or liquid crystal temp strips.


In doping tests, the temp of the urine samples is thought to be quite important. It aids in evaluating the specimen’s quality.

To authenticate the sample, self-adhesive temperature strips are placed in the jar. The temp strip must be checked within 4 or 5 minutes of obtaining the urine sample.The heat indication labels are inexpensive and adhere to SAMHSA regulations. If the temp of the urine specimen is outside of the acceptable range, the specimen will be rejected for analysis.



Monday 22 February 2021

Teen Drug Abuse : How to Spot Drug Use in Kids

All parents are worried about their child’s future. They always worried about whether their child are having bad habits such as using drugs or drinking. Drug abuse is a severe threat to society. Teens are getting more exposure to drugs. Teenagers who use drugs in school are more likely to get addicted to them when they are adults. Any type of substance abuse is bad for teenager and their family. Teenagers who use drugs are very smart, and they smartly hide their drug consumption from their families. We have seen teens abusing drugs for several months
and their parents have no idea about it.

Teen Drug Abuse
Parents need to prevent their teenagers from getting addicted to the drug. It is essential to detect the sign of drug abuse. Look at these signs of drug abuse to check whether your teenager is exposed to drugs or not.
If you have seen any of the below signs in your teenager, do not ignore them. It chances that your teenager is hiding something from you. Preventing substance abuse at an early stage is essential to prevent further addiction.
Some recent research shows that nearly 50% of teenagers had used alcohol in their high school. There can be several reasons why teenagers get caught in addiction. One of the reasons can be the stress of studies. Some teenager drinks or smoke because their friends are drinking or smoking. Curiosity about drugs and alcohol can also lead to substance abuse. You also need to understand that because a teen tried alcohol or smoked cigarettes doesn’t mean that he is addicted. It may be because of curiosity they tried it once. The majority of teens tried alcohol because they want to experience what will happen after they tried it.
Parents need to look at the behavior of their children and prevent them from further drug abuse.

Sign of substance abuse.
1> Change in habbits:

A change in the habits of a teenager can indicate that your child is doing something weird. If you notice the following signs in your teenager, you might need to talk with your children.
1> Self-isolation
2> Lack of hygiene
3> Avoiding eye contact
4> Frequent mood swings
5> Lack of sleep
6> Less interaction with parents
7> Change in the friend circle
8> Hanging out more with teenagers who have bad habits
9> Coming late to the home
10> Poor grades
11> Impaired thinking

2> Physical appearance:

The appearance tells a lot of things about the individual. If you suspect your child is abusing drugs, you need to look at their physical appearance.
1> Red or bloodshot eyes
2> Violent behavior
3> Slurred speech
4> Depression
5> Anxiety
6> Anger
7> Runny nose
8> Wound or track marks
9> Low grades
10> Lying
11> Verbally abuse other
12> Using slang language
13> Low self-esteem
14> Stealing money
15> Reckless behavior
16> Always arguing with parents
17> Skin abrasions
18> Sudden weight loss
19> Sudden hair fall
20> Avoiding phone call
21> Avoiding talking with parents
22> Lack of healthy habits
23> Neglecting personal health
24> Bad breath
25> Going out for a night party
26> Bunking class
27> Car accident or rash driving
28> Soot on fingers or lips
29> Constantly licking lips

If you have seen such multiple signs in your teen, it might be due to abusing substances or alcohol. There is nothing wrong with talking directly to your children about substance abuse. By talking with them, you will get to know why they are abusing drugs. There are several types of drug tests available that you can check whether your child is taking the drug or not. You can conduct a drug test at home without going to the lab for the test. Its time to take action before the addiction developed.


Saturday 20 February 2021

13 Medical Benefits of Marijuana

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is not new. For the past 5000 years, people are using marijuana to treat several health conditions. However, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done on the effectiveness of marijuana for medical purposes. The food and health department limit the intake of marijuana for medical purpose. The THC ingredient present in marijuana is highly addictive. THC is the chemical that gives an individual a high feeling. Marijuana addiction is a severe concern for the government, parents, and companies. Many people support the legalization of marijuana for medical and research purposes.In this article, we talked about the medical benefits of marijuana.

medical marijuana benefits

1> Marijuana is suitable for people dealing with chronic pain. Marijuana is far better and less addictive than opiates for pain control. Many patients get several pain relief benefits after they start using medical marijuana. A cannabinoid is an active ingredient of marijuana that is good at relieving chronic pain.

Marijuana has excellent muscle relaxant ability, so it is suitable for people who have Parkinson’s disease.

2> several studies show that smoking marijuana does not have any impact on marijuana. Journal of the American Medical Association published an issue on the effect of marijuana on the lung. Smoking tobacco damage the function of the lung. Marijuana smoking can increase the capacity of the lung. However, extreme weed smoking can damage the lung. 

3>Smoking weed can affect a person’s weight.The research done by the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who smoke marijuana are less likely to suffer from obesity and overweight issue. The researcher thinks there is a link between THC and weight loss. They think that THC causes changes in the gut microbiome that improve digestion and weight loss. 

4> Marijuana lowers the blood sugar level in the body. Marijuana stabilizes blood sugar. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Marijuana improves blood circulation in the body. It is also suitable for lowering blood pressure. Overall, marijuana is suitable for diabetic patients.

5>Marijuana is good for controlling vomiting and nausea that is caused by chemotherapy drugs.THC and other cannabinoids that are present in weed kill certain types of cancer cells. There is still research that needs to be done on benefits offered by medical marijuana for cancer patients.

6>The controlled intake of medical marijuana is good for people suffering from depression. It is used for stabilizing mood and relieving anxiety.

7>Marijuana blocks the CB1 receptor, which can relieve seizer and memory issues. Medical marijuana improves the quality of life for people who have autism.

8>Cannabidiol compound present in marijuana helps bones to heal. Marijuana enhances the bone healing process by strengthening the cartilage.

9> Marijuana is good for relieving the symptoms of ADHD. The cbd anti-anxiety effect is suitable for patients who have ADHD.

10>Smoking Marijuana is good for people suffering from glaucoma. Marijuana lowers blood and eye pressure. 

11> THC found in marijuana can slow the production of beta-amyloid proteins. It also prevents the growth of toxic amyloid plaques. So medical marijuana is useful for Alzheimer’s disease treatment.

12>CBD relieves the pain and improves physical function. The CBD anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects is suitable for people who have arthritis.

13>According to the recent study, cannabis reduces the PTSD system by more than half.



Friday 19 February 2021

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction: Signs of marijuana addiction.

In the past few years, marijuana is used for several medical purposes. Many countries are legalizing marijuana. We have to ensure that our marijuana use does not become abuse. There is still a lot of debate and research on whether marijuana is addictive or not. As far as I know, marijuana is a highly addictive substance. Many people can restrict their marijuana use, but not everyone can control their marijuana usage. Millions of Americans depend heavily on smoking weed every day.

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction

One survey shows that one out of ten people who tried marijuana is now addicted to weed. Nearly four million people in the united states are suffering from marijuana-related disorders. The research shows that teenagers are more likely to get addicted to weed than adults.
We can call a person a marijuana addict when his/ her smoking habits interfere with his/her daily activity. People who are addicted to marijuana generally smoke marijuana daily. Marijuana addiction is a threat to the school and workplace. People who are addicted to marijuana spend more time buying marijuana and smoking marijuana.
Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily more likely to get addicted to other Schedule I drugs.

signs of marijuana addiction
Marijuana legalization:

There are several benefits that marijuana offers. Currently, 31 states in America legalize marijuana, some also marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical marijuana is beneficial for a cancer patient. It helps to relieve nausea. Medical marijuana is good for managing pain. It is also good for anxiety and insomnia treatment.
People who are heavily dependent on marijuana are suffering from several health issues. THC is the main ingredient of marijuana. When you smoked marijuana, your brain released dopamine which makes you feel high. When you get hooked to marijuana, the brain released less dopamine which makes you feel sad, anxious, and depressed. Marijuana may give you short-term pleasure. But when you get addicted to it, the brain has less response to dopamine.
People who are addicted to marijuana are also addicted to other Schedule I drugs. Let’s talked about the sign of marijuana addiction.

Marijuana Symptoms and Warning Signs

1>The person who is addicted to marijuana might not get the high effect that he used to get after he smoked.
2> Increasing marijuana intake to get that High feeling.
3>Spending more time talking about the weed.
4> Spending more time on smoking weed than spending time on necessary works.
5>Spending more money on buying weed than spending money on essential needs.
6> Committing crimes like robbery, stealing, and hijacking to arrange money for buying weed.
7> Avoiding social activities, spending less time with family.
8>Difficulty to cut down marijuana intake when an individual tried to cut down the marijuana intake, the negative consequences like craving, negative emotions, and an upset stomach cannot reduce the intake.
9>Continues to marijuana use even after suffering from several physicals, social and mental issues.

These are the top signs of marijuana addiction. The person who is suffering from marijuana addiction is not productive. They spend less time on work. They have no interest in social activities. They perform poorly at work.


Thursday 18 February 2021

Foods that are good for urinary system

If you are suffering from urination-related problems, then it time to look at what you are eating. What you eat and drink makes the urine. So it is better to eat food that increases urine flow and solves urinary problems. By knowing which foods are good for the bladder can solve most of the urine-related problems. You can avoid certain food from your diet to get the healthy bladder. Let’s talk about the food that are good for your diet. 

High-fiber foods are good for your urinary system. It relieves the pressure on the bladder system. High-fiber foods are good for preventing infection in the bladder, urethra, and kidney. We have to avoid the food that irritates the bladder and replaces it with food that are good for the bladder. We compiled a list of food items that are good for your urinary system.

foods that are good for urinary system

1> Water: The main cause of the most urinary system-related problem is dehydration. Increasing water intake can solve most of the urinary and digestion system problems. Drinking plenty of water helps your urinary system flush the toxins present in the urinary system. 

2> Pears: Pears are rich in fiber; the regular intake of pears can solve many urinary system problems. The pears contain malic acid, which is good for preventing urinary tract stones. Pears are also good for increasing urine flow.

3>Banana: Banana contains potassium which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Banana has a high- fiber amount. It makes the bowel movement easy.

4>Green beans: Green beans are good for removing bacteria from the bladder. Green beans are loaded with fiber and can help in bowel movement. It also relieves the pressure on the bladder, which makes urination easy.

5> Winter squash: Winter squash is not seasonal food. It is available year-round as well. It is good food to prevent urinary tract infections. 

6> Berries:

Berries like blueberries, raspberries and Cranberries are good for fighting against the urinary system’s bacteria. Berries can temporarily change the colour of the urine, but they are not harmful to your bladder. Eating berries can cure the problem of urinary tract infections. Berries improve your urinary and digestive systems.

7> Yogurt :

Yogurt is not only good for preventing yeast infection but also good for preventing urinary tract infection. Yogurt contains probiotics, also known as good bacteria, that fight against harmful bacteria present in the urinary system. While purchasing the yogurt, take a look at the bottle. Avoid yogurt that contains artificial sugar.

8>Potatoes: Potatoes are all-weather friendly food that you can intake to prevent urinary tract infection.

9>Whole grains: Whole grains are fiber-rich foods that prevent urinary tract infection. Whole grains like Quinoa, rice and oats are loaded with vitamin E, which protects the bladder from infection.

10>Nuts like almonds, cashew, peanuts are rich in zinc and high fiber. It eliminates bacteria from the bladder. Nuts are good for flushing bacteria from the body.

11>Fish: Fish that contains omega-3 fatty acid is good for reducing the symptoms of UTI.



Wednesday 17 February 2021

Nocturia Causes & Treatment : How to stop frequent urination at night

Good night sleep is essential; it keeps our morning fresh and active. But when we wake multiple times at night to urinate, it can disturb our good night sleep. We are not able to concentrate on our work when we didn’t get enough sleep at night. Frequent nighttime urination is also known as nocturia. In nocturia, a person wakes up more than two times a night. Nocturia is common in adults over age 60. Don’t get confused with nocturia with the bed-wetting. Generally, at night, the body produces less urine to sleep peacefully for 7 to 8 hours. But when you wake up multiple times in a night, your sleep gets disturbed. Most people wake up atleast once at night for urinating, but continuous, frequent urination at night is due to some health conditions. As we grow older, both men and women face the problem of nocturia.

Causes of nocturia:

Sometimes our habit of drinking too much water before going to bed can cause nocturia. Intaking caffeine and alcohol can cause nocturia.
1> Health conditions:
Several health conditions can cause the problem of nocturia. The most common cause of nocturia is urinary tract infection and bladder infection. The bacteria in the bladder and kidney can cause the problem of frequent urination at night. Doctor recommend you medicines that kill the bacteria in your urinary system.
Frequent urination also knows as Overactive bladder wake you up multiple times at night for urination.
We have also seen people who have diabetes are most likely to suffer from frequent urination problems. When we are under stress, we are not able to get the good sleep. Tension and anxiety can cause the problem of frequent urination at night. Some other causes of nocturia include an enlarged prostate, organ failure and tumours.
2> Pregnancy:
The pregnant woman can suffer from the problem of nocturia when growing womb puts pressure against the bladder which cause the frequent urination problem
Some medication can also cause nocturia, especially medication used to blood pressure can cause the nocturia problem. In such a case, you need to tell your doctor about the urination problem that you are experiencing. excessive vitamin D, lithium, water pills can cause frequent urination at night
4>Lifestyle problem: Drinking coffee or alcohol before going to bed can cause urination problem at night. Excess fluid intake before going to bed can cause nocturia. Some people have a behavioural pattern that they tell their bodies to wake at night for urination even if they don’t have to go to the bathroom. Some people have the habit of waking up at night for urination which leads to nocturia.
5> Sleep disorders such as insomnia can cause nocturia.


You doctor will ask you several questions to find out the status of your bladder. The question will be related to the frequency of urination, urination volume, diet, sleep pattern, medication and health problem. To find out the causes of nocturia, the doctor may ask you to undergo several tests. The urinalysis test will check your urine and determine the health of your kidney.

How to stop frequent urination at night


1> Restrict fluid intake before going to bed can solve the problem of nocturia. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine before going to bed. Avoid drinking water, caffeine and alcohol atleast two hours before going to te bed.
2> If you are taking diuretic pills, you have to intake those pills six hours before going to sleep.
3> When you get disturbed sleep at night, you can take a little nap in the afternoon to feel better. But be careful with nap time and duration so that you get peacefully sleep at night. Nap allows the body to absorb the liquid.


Does temperature affect urine tests?

A urinalysis gives details about the patients’ general state of health. It’s easy to follow that urine tests can detect disorders of the kid...