Monday, 22 February 2021

Teen Drug Abuse : How to Spot Drug Use in Kids

All parents are worried about their child’s future. They always worried about whether their child are having bad habits such as using drugs or drinking. Drug abuse is a severe threat to society. Teens are getting more exposure to drugs. Teenagers who use drugs in school are more likely to get addicted to them when they are adults. Any type of substance abuse is bad for teenager and their family. Teenagers who use drugs are very smart, and they smartly hide their drug consumption from their families. We have seen teens abusing drugs for several months
and their parents have no idea about it.

Teen Drug Abuse
Parents need to prevent their teenagers from getting addicted to the drug. It is essential to detect the sign of drug abuse. Look at these signs of drug abuse to check whether your teenager is exposed to drugs or not.
If you have seen any of the below signs in your teenager, do not ignore them. It chances that your teenager is hiding something from you. Preventing substance abuse at an early stage is essential to prevent further addiction.
Some recent research shows that nearly 50% of teenagers had used alcohol in their high school. There can be several reasons why teenagers get caught in addiction. One of the reasons can be the stress of studies. Some teenager drinks or smoke because their friends are drinking or smoking. Curiosity about drugs and alcohol can also lead to substance abuse. You also need to understand that because a teen tried alcohol or smoked cigarettes doesn’t mean that he is addicted. It may be because of curiosity they tried it once. The majority of teens tried alcohol because they want to experience what will happen after they tried it.
Parents need to look at the behavior of their children and prevent them from further drug abuse.

Sign of substance abuse.
1> Change in habbits:

A change in the habits of a teenager can indicate that your child is doing something weird. If you notice the following signs in your teenager, you might need to talk with your children.
1> Self-isolation
2> Lack of hygiene
3> Avoiding eye contact
4> Frequent mood swings
5> Lack of sleep
6> Less interaction with parents
7> Change in the friend circle
8> Hanging out more with teenagers who have bad habits
9> Coming late to the home
10> Poor grades
11> Impaired thinking

2> Physical appearance:

The appearance tells a lot of things about the individual. If you suspect your child is abusing drugs, you need to look at their physical appearance.
1> Red or bloodshot eyes
2> Violent behavior
3> Slurred speech
4> Depression
5> Anxiety
6> Anger
7> Runny nose
8> Wound or track marks
9> Low grades
10> Lying
11> Verbally abuse other
12> Using slang language
13> Low self-esteem
14> Stealing money
15> Reckless behavior
16> Always arguing with parents
17> Skin abrasions
18> Sudden weight loss
19> Sudden hair fall
20> Avoiding phone call
21> Avoiding talking with parents
22> Lack of healthy habits
23> Neglecting personal health
24> Bad breath
25> Going out for a night party
26> Bunking class
27> Car accident or rash driving
28> Soot on fingers or lips
29> Constantly licking lips

If you have seen such multiple signs in your teen, it might be due to abusing substances or alcohol. There is nothing wrong with talking directly to your children about substance abuse. By talking with them, you will get to know why they are abusing drugs. There are several types of drug tests available that you can check whether your child is taking the drug or not. You can conduct a drug test at home without going to the lab for the test. Its time to take action before the addiction developed.


Saturday, 20 February 2021

13 Medical Benefits of Marijuana

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is not new. For the past 5000 years, people are using marijuana to treat several health conditions. However, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done on the effectiveness of marijuana for medical purposes. The food and health department limit the intake of marijuana for medical purpose. The THC ingredient present in marijuana is highly addictive. THC is the chemical that gives an individual a high feeling. Marijuana addiction is a severe concern for the government, parents, and companies. Many people support the legalization of marijuana for medical and research purposes.In this article, we talked about the medical benefits of marijuana.

medical marijuana benefits

1> Marijuana is suitable for people dealing with chronic pain. Marijuana is far better and less addictive than opiates for pain control. Many patients get several pain relief benefits after they start using medical marijuana. A cannabinoid is an active ingredient of marijuana that is good at relieving chronic pain.

Marijuana has excellent muscle relaxant ability, so it is suitable for people who have Parkinson’s disease.

2> several studies show that smoking marijuana does not have any impact on marijuana. Journal of the American Medical Association published an issue on the effect of marijuana on the lung. Smoking tobacco damage the function of the lung. Marijuana smoking can increase the capacity of the lung. However, extreme weed smoking can damage the lung. 

3>Smoking weed can affect a person’s weight.The research done by the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who smoke marijuana are less likely to suffer from obesity and overweight issue. The researcher thinks there is a link between THC and weight loss. They think that THC causes changes in the gut microbiome that improve digestion and weight loss. 

4> Marijuana lowers the blood sugar level in the body. Marijuana stabilizes blood sugar. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Marijuana improves blood circulation in the body. It is also suitable for lowering blood pressure. Overall, marijuana is suitable for diabetic patients.

5>Marijuana is good for controlling vomiting and nausea that is caused by chemotherapy drugs.THC and other cannabinoids that are present in weed kill certain types of cancer cells. There is still research that needs to be done on benefits offered by medical marijuana for cancer patients.

6>The controlled intake of medical marijuana is good for people suffering from depression. It is used for stabilizing mood and relieving anxiety.

7>Marijuana blocks the CB1 receptor, which can relieve seizer and memory issues. Medical marijuana improves the quality of life for people who have autism.

8>Cannabidiol compound present in marijuana helps bones to heal. Marijuana enhances the bone healing process by strengthening the cartilage.

9> Marijuana is good for relieving the symptoms of ADHD. The cbd anti-anxiety effect is suitable for patients who have ADHD.

10>Smoking Marijuana is good for people suffering from glaucoma. Marijuana lowers blood and eye pressure. 

11> THC found in marijuana can slow the production of beta-amyloid proteins. It also prevents the growth of toxic amyloid plaques. So medical marijuana is useful for Alzheimer’s disease treatment.

12>CBD relieves the pain and improves physical function. The CBD anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects is suitable for people who have arthritis.

13>According to the recent study, cannabis reduces the PTSD system by more than half.



Friday, 19 February 2021

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction: Signs of marijuana addiction.

In the past few years, marijuana is used for several medical purposes. Many countries are legalizing marijuana. We have to ensure that our marijuana use does not become abuse. There is still a lot of debate and research on whether marijuana is addictive or not. As far as I know, marijuana is a highly addictive substance. Many people can restrict their marijuana use, but not everyone can control their marijuana usage. Millions of Americans depend heavily on smoking weed every day.

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction

One survey shows that one out of ten people who tried marijuana is now addicted to weed. Nearly four million people in the united states are suffering from marijuana-related disorders. The research shows that teenagers are more likely to get addicted to weed than adults.
We can call a person a marijuana addict when his/ her smoking habits interfere with his/her daily activity. People who are addicted to marijuana generally smoke marijuana daily. Marijuana addiction is a threat to the school and workplace. People who are addicted to marijuana spend more time buying marijuana and smoking marijuana.
Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily more likely to get addicted to other Schedule I drugs.

signs of marijuana addiction
Marijuana legalization:

There are several benefits that marijuana offers. Currently, 31 states in America legalize marijuana, some also marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical marijuana is beneficial for a cancer patient. It helps to relieve nausea. Medical marijuana is good for managing pain. It is also good for anxiety and insomnia treatment.
People who are heavily dependent on marijuana are suffering from several health issues. THC is the main ingredient of marijuana. When you smoked marijuana, your brain released dopamine which makes you feel high. When you get hooked to marijuana, the brain released less dopamine which makes you feel sad, anxious, and depressed. Marijuana may give you short-term pleasure. But when you get addicted to it, the brain has less response to dopamine.
People who are addicted to marijuana are also addicted to other Schedule I drugs. Let’s talked about the sign of marijuana addiction.

Marijuana Symptoms and Warning Signs

1>The person who is addicted to marijuana might not get the high effect that he used to get after he smoked.
2> Increasing marijuana intake to get that High feeling.
3>Spending more time talking about the weed.
4> Spending more time on smoking weed than spending time on necessary works.
5>Spending more money on buying weed than spending money on essential needs.
6> Committing crimes like robbery, stealing, and hijacking to arrange money for buying weed.
7> Avoiding social activities, spending less time with family.
8>Difficulty to cut down marijuana intake when an individual tried to cut down the marijuana intake, the negative consequences like craving, negative emotions, and an upset stomach cannot reduce the intake.
9>Continues to marijuana use even after suffering from several physicals, social and mental issues.

These are the top signs of marijuana addiction. The person who is suffering from marijuana addiction is not productive. They spend less time on work. They have no interest in social activities. They perform poorly at work.


Thursday, 18 February 2021

Foods that are good for urinary system

If you are suffering from urination-related problems, then it time to look at what you are eating. What you eat and drink makes the urine. So it is better to eat food that increases urine flow and solves urinary problems. By knowing which foods are good for the bladder can solve most of the urine-related problems. You can avoid certain food from your diet to get the healthy bladder. Let’s talk about the food that are good for your diet. 

High-fiber foods are good for your urinary system. It relieves the pressure on the bladder system. High-fiber foods are good for preventing infection in the bladder, urethra, and kidney. We have to avoid the food that irritates the bladder and replaces it with food that are good for the bladder. We compiled a list of food items that are good for your urinary system.

foods that are good for urinary system

1> Water: The main cause of the most urinary system-related problem is dehydration. Increasing water intake can solve most of the urinary and digestion system problems. Drinking plenty of water helps your urinary system flush the toxins present in the urinary system. 

2> Pears: Pears are rich in fiber; the regular intake of pears can solve many urinary system problems. The pears contain malic acid, which is good for preventing urinary tract stones. Pears are also good for increasing urine flow.

3>Banana: Banana contains potassium which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Banana has a high- fiber amount. It makes the bowel movement easy.

4>Green beans: Green beans are good for removing bacteria from the bladder. Green beans are loaded with fiber and can help in bowel movement. It also relieves the pressure on the bladder, which makes urination easy.

5> Winter squash: Winter squash is not seasonal food. It is available year-round as well. It is good food to prevent urinary tract infections. 

6> Berries:

Berries like blueberries, raspberries and Cranberries are good for fighting against the urinary system’s bacteria. Berries can temporarily change the colour of the urine, but they are not harmful to your bladder. Eating berries can cure the problem of urinary tract infections. Berries improve your urinary and digestive systems.

7> Yogurt :

Yogurt is not only good for preventing yeast infection but also good for preventing urinary tract infection. Yogurt contains probiotics, also known as good bacteria, that fight against harmful bacteria present in the urinary system. While purchasing the yogurt, take a look at the bottle. Avoid yogurt that contains artificial sugar.

8>Potatoes: Potatoes are all-weather friendly food that you can intake to prevent urinary tract infection.

9>Whole grains: Whole grains are fiber-rich foods that prevent urinary tract infection. Whole grains like Quinoa, rice and oats are loaded with vitamin E, which protects the bladder from infection.

10>Nuts like almonds, cashew, peanuts are rich in zinc and high fiber. It eliminates bacteria from the bladder. Nuts are good for flushing bacteria from the body.

11>Fish: Fish that contains omega-3 fatty acid is good for reducing the symptoms of UTI.



Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Nocturia Causes & Treatment : How to stop frequent urination at night

Good night sleep is essential; it keeps our morning fresh and active. But when we wake multiple times at night to urinate, it can disturb our good night sleep. We are not able to concentrate on our work when we didn’t get enough sleep at night. Frequent nighttime urination is also known as nocturia. In nocturia, a person wakes up more than two times a night. Nocturia is common in adults over age 60. Don’t get confused with nocturia with the bed-wetting. Generally, at night, the body produces less urine to sleep peacefully for 7 to 8 hours. But when you wake up multiple times in a night, your sleep gets disturbed. Most people wake up atleast once at night for urinating, but continuous, frequent urination at night is due to some health conditions. As we grow older, both men and women face the problem of nocturia.

Causes of nocturia:

Sometimes our habit of drinking too much water before going to bed can cause nocturia. Intaking caffeine and alcohol can cause nocturia.
1> Health conditions:
Several health conditions can cause the problem of nocturia. The most common cause of nocturia is urinary tract infection and bladder infection. The bacteria in the bladder and kidney can cause the problem of frequent urination at night. Doctor recommend you medicines that kill the bacteria in your urinary system.
Frequent urination also knows as Overactive bladder wake you up multiple times at night for urination.
We have also seen people who have diabetes are most likely to suffer from frequent urination problems. When we are under stress, we are not able to get the good sleep. Tension and anxiety can cause the problem of frequent urination at night. Some other causes of nocturia include an enlarged prostate, organ failure and tumours.
2> Pregnancy:
The pregnant woman can suffer from the problem of nocturia when growing womb puts pressure against the bladder which cause the frequent urination problem
Some medication can also cause nocturia, especially medication used to blood pressure can cause the nocturia problem. In such a case, you need to tell your doctor about the urination problem that you are experiencing. excessive vitamin D, lithium, water pills can cause frequent urination at night
4>Lifestyle problem: Drinking coffee or alcohol before going to bed can cause urination problem at night. Excess fluid intake before going to bed can cause nocturia. Some people have a behavioural pattern that they tell their bodies to wake at night for urination even if they don’t have to go to the bathroom. Some people have the habit of waking up at night for urination which leads to nocturia.
5> Sleep disorders such as insomnia can cause nocturia.


You doctor will ask you several questions to find out the status of your bladder. The question will be related to the frequency of urination, urination volume, diet, sleep pattern, medication and health problem. To find out the causes of nocturia, the doctor may ask you to undergo several tests. The urinalysis test will check your urine and determine the health of your kidney.

How to stop frequent urination at night


1> Restrict fluid intake before going to bed can solve the problem of nocturia. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine before going to bed. Avoid drinking water, caffeine and alcohol atleast two hours before going to te bed.
2> If you are taking diuretic pills, you have to intake those pills six hours before going to sleep.
3> When you get disturbed sleep at night, you can take a little nap in the afternoon to feel better. But be careful with nap time and duration so that you get peacefully sleep at night. Nap allows the body to absorb the liquid.


Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Excessive Urination Volume (Polyuria) Causes,Symptoms & Treatment

Polyuria means the excessive urination, in this condition, body urinates excessive amount or a large volume of urine every time you pee. On an average adults passage 1 to 2 litres of urine per day. But in polyuria, the passage of urine is more than 3 litres a day. The urine volume above 2.5 litres is considered excessive. Your urine volume depends on your age and gender.

Urinating Excessive volume of urine should not last several days. One or two-time urination excessive volume is fine and considered normal. But if this condition lasts more than several days, then it may affect the kidney function. Urine is created in the kidney, and 95% of urine is water and waste filtered from the bloodstream. The adult should not produce more than 2.5 litres of urine per day. Adults produce more than 2.5 litres of urine per day when they suffer from polyuria. Many people confuse with polyuria and frequent urination. Polyuria and frequent urination are two different health conditions. Nocturia is another form of polyuria which causes when you urinate a large volume of urine at night. So when you notice polyuria symptom at night, it is called nocturia.

Excessive Urination Volume

Symptoms of polyuria:
Other than the excessive volume of urination, there are no other symptoms of polyuria. Polyuria occurs when you urinate too much volume of urine. You man feel thirsty because you are losing too much amount of fluid. Disturbed sleep at night because of the constant urge to go to the toilet. There are several causes of polyuria which we will discuss in the next section.

What Causes polyuria?

Sometimes drinking excess water can cause polyuria. Severe health conditions like kidney problem can cause polyuria.
1> Diabetes: The leading cause of polyuria is diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can cause polyuria. In diabetes, the body cant controls the blood sugar. So when the blood sugar level increases, kidney not able to filter the sugar. When this happens, kidney filters more water out of your body through the urination. So the frequent urination and polyuria are the fist few sign of diabetes. Frequent urination and polyuria can make you feel thirsty.
In Diabetes insipidus body is not able to control the fluid level. The kidney and brain problem can cause diabetes insipidus. It this condition, you always feel thirst no matter how much you drink.

2> Kidney failure: The urine is produced in the kidney and stored in the bladder. So kidney failure of kidney disease can damage the function of the kidney. So due to that kidney can’t process the waste which can cause polyuria. Polyuria is the early sign of kidney problem
3> Liver disease: Liver problem can affect the function of the kidney. A damaged liver can’t process the waste. Damage to liver and kidney can’t do its function properly which causes polyuria
4>Mediaction: Some medication used to treat heart and blood pressure problems can lead to the polyuria. Consult with your doctor if you think you are urinating too much urine due to your medicines intake.
5> Alcohol and caffeine: Excess Caffeine and alcohol drinking can cause polyuria. Alcohol and caffeine make you pee more.
6>Hypercalcemia: Hypercalcemia affects the function of the kidney. The excess calcium in your body affects the ADH level, which leads to polyuria.

Diagnosing polyuria:

You can diagnose polyuria at home by noting how much you drink water, and how much urine volume you are exerted. The doctor diagnoses the polyuria by checking your health conditions. The doctor will check whether you have diabetes or not. A doctor can also ask you about when you started to face a problem of polyuria. The doctor can give you one container where you have to pee for 24 hours. The doctor can check the volume of urine you urinate in the past 24 hours.

Polyuria treatment:

To treat polyuria, you must know what causes polyuria. For example, if you have diabetes, the control your blood sugar level can cure the polyuria. Polyuria can be treated by controlling alcohol and caffeine intake.
If polyuria is caused due to the medicines, you have to consult with your doctor to adjust or change the dose of medication.


Monday, 15 February 2021

Pee orgasm: What is Pee-Gasm?

You might hear stories about the pee orgasm. Many popular medica publications are already talked about the pee orgasm. The pee-gasm means delaying the urine or holding the urine for some time to get the feeling of orgasm when you release the urine. This post is not related to the pee-gasm, but while talking about the topic Why does it feel so good to pee we have to explain all the details for you. You might don’t know about the pee-gasm, but you experienced it atleast once in your life. The feeling of relaxation we get when we pee is the same as experiencing an orgasm. The urine is the byproduct that our body throws out of our body. It is waste that body don’t want to store. Usually, when we pee and poop, we throw this waste our of our body. It is bad for our body to hold pee and poop for a long time. So after holding pee for a long time when we release it. We get the feeling of relaxing. The doctor does not recommend to hold pee and poop.

Pee orgasm

The woman feels pee-gasm more than men because of the structure of the woman’s anatomy. When our bladder is full, it puts pressure on the erogenous zones that include clitoris. So when we urinate the pressure on this zone get releases which result in the feeling of orgasm. When we hold some heavy items for a long time, our body feels the heavy item’s pressure. When we finally put the heavy object down, our muscle gets relaxed. It is the same thing that happens when you hold you pee for a long time. When a woman holds urine for a long time, the muscle gets stretched and relaxed after the urination.

Is pee-gasm safe?

Pee-gasm will give you the pleasure you want, but it is not good for your body. The kidney produces the urine, and it should be released on time. Urination is the process by which kidney filter waste. So holding urine can affect the kidney. Holding urine for a long time can cause urinary tract infection.

When we hold pee for long, the bacteria will stay in our body for a long time which causes discomfort. Holding urine in the bladder for a long time can cause incontinence. Pee-gasm is not a safe way to experience a pleasure. Holding urine for a long time can cause Urinary incontinence which leaks the bladder. It can also stretch the bladder causing bladder leakage, Holding the urine for a long time can cause kidney stones. The kidney stone is formed due to the waster and chemical in the urine.

Instead of pee-gasm, you can masturbate to get feeling of orgasm. Masturbation is safer than pee-gasm.


Sunday, 14 February 2021

Why is my urine temperature low?

The temperature of the urine is almost the same as the temperature of the body. On average, the urine temperature is around 98.6˚F (37˚C). It is not the fixed temperature. Your urine temperature can be lower or higher than the 98.6˚F. Sometimes the temperature of the urine can go lower than the body temperature. There are several causes of low urine temperature. The labs check the temperature of the urine for a drug test. Your urine sample temperature should be around body temperature. For some reason, if you decided to beat the urine drug test using fake or synthetic pee, you must maintain the urine temperature to the body temperature.
Most people who cheat drug tests failed to maintain the temperature of the urine. Hence they get caught in the drug test.

Let’s talk about what are the possible causes of low urine temperature.

low urine temperature
1>When the urine temperature is too low, it is indicated that it is not fresh urine. The fresh urine temperature is always around body temperature. So if urine is collected for the drug test, then the lab might find your sample suspicious. The low urine temperature implies that either your sample is not fresh or your urine sample is fake. The lab may ask you to give the urine sample again, or they can fail you in the drug test. The lab might suspect that you are using your friend’s urine or synthetic urine for the test.
2>There is a possibility that the temperature strip attached to the specimen cup is faulty, which can cause false temperature reading. the faulty temperature strip can affect the temperature of the urine. So faulty temperature strip can show temperatures lower or higher than the actual sample temperature. In such cases, you can ask the lab to verify the temperature with the thermometer.
3>The lab technicians can make a blunder while checking the temperature of the sample. The temperature of the urine must be checked within 4 minutes after the urination. If lab technicians failed to check the temperature within 4 minutes, it is the lab technicians’ fault. So the temperature of the urine can be wrong if it is not adequately tested. You must check your urine sample in a good quality lab with experienced staff and good quality instruments.
4>Many people use fake pee to pass the urine drug test. Fake pee is not real human urine, so the fake pee temperature will not match real human urine temperature. So if you are giving fake pee for the test, then it is high chances that the fake pee’s temperature will not be around the real human urine temperature.

So i talked about all the possible causes of low urine temperature. IF you are worried about the drug test and want your urine sample temperature within the correct temperature range, then you have to use the urinator kit. The urinator kit is an electronic device that keeps the pee warm for a drug test.


Friday, 12 February 2021

hand warmer

I get a lot of questions like, can hand warmers make urine too hot? Is it safe to use a hand warmer for the drug test? My answer to such questions is no. Handwarmer are not safe for the drug test. It does not control the temperature of the urine. It makes urine too hot for the drug test. So if you are thinking of using the hand warmer for the drug test, you need to keep track of the urine temperature. It is hard to control the temperature of the urine with the hand warmer. If you are worried about the urine temperature, then the article on keeping urine warm for drug test will help you.
Hand warmers are useful for warming, but they don’t have the facility to control the heat. People blame hand warmer when they failed to keep urine warm for the drug test. The hand warmer is not meant for regulating temperature, so you can’t expect a reliable result from the hand warmer. Hand warmers are best when you need to warm the urine and not to maintain the temperature. Hand warmers are also not capable of maintaining urine warm for multiple hours. So the are chances that hand warmer will make urine too hot or too cold.
We prefer a urinator over a hand warmer because the urinator is the reliable way to keep urine warm for the drug test.
Here are some pros and cons of hand warmer:
1>Hand warmers are an affordable way to keep urine hot. They are easily available online and in a local store.
2>Hand warmers are cheap and long-lasting. It can keep the sample hot for eight hours
3> Handwarmer use a chemical reaction to keep the sample hot.

1> Handwarmer can’t regulate the temperature of the sample. Handwarmer use a chemical reaction to keep the sample warm. Due to that, we have no control over the sample’s temperature.
2>Hand warmer can rapidly increase or decrease the temperature of the urine. So it is not suited for the drug test because it makes the sample too hot or too cold.
3>To keep the sample warm, You have to keep the sample close to the hand warmer, which is impossible when you decided to cheat the drug test.
4>Hand warmer does not control the temperature, so Hand warmers can burn your skin if you do not use them properly.
5> Handwarmer need oxygen for a chemical reaction. If the hand warmer does not get enough oxygen, it will affect the sample’s temperature.

The overall hand warmer is a good device, but it is not good for keep urine warm.


Urine therapy: is drinking urine good for you?

In Urine therapy, the urine is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. It includes activities such as drinking own urine, massaging skin and gums with urine. I know it is weird therapy, but many people use urine therapy. British person John w. Armstrong said that he use his urine to treat his ill health. He also use urine to treat toothaches. In India, urine therapy is popular; we have seen many people drink cow pee regularly. Drinking urine is the common practice in hath yoga and Sushruta Samhita. There are currently no scientific benefits of drinking urine. Currently, we didn’t see any significant side effect of drinking the urine.  

Is drinking urine good for you?


Drinking the own urine is not a new practice. It was very popular in a few countries. Some reports and research suggest that people in Rome, Greece, Egypt, and India use urine therapy to treat several diseases such as acne, cancer, and diabetes.

Urine therapy

We had also seen Bear Grylls show Man vs. Wild drink his urine when there was no liquid available to drink. In Ayurveda, drinking your urine is a common practice. It is used for treating asthma, cancer, acne, indigestion, migraine, and several other health problems. However, there are currently no scientific evidence that backed this theory. Some ayurvedic doctors use urine therapy to treat the wounds in the mouth, improve eyesight, and boost immunity. It is also advisable to drink your urine when there is no water available to drink. A drunk Person may drink his urine accidentally. In case of natural disaster, Some person may drink their urine for survival. We can’t survive without drinking water. Water is the main ingredient of the urine, so when there is no freshwater is available. You can drink your urine. Almost 90 to 95 percent of urine is water. It also contains salt and wastes that are filtered by the kidney. Urine can also contain bacteria, but most of the time, they are not harmful.

There is no in-depth research on urine therapy, so not all doctors are aware of urine therapy. Some doctors suggest you drink urine, and some do not. Drinking a little bit of urine won’t harm your, but drinking urine like you drink water may cause you some problem. Our body contains different types of bacteria. Some of them are healthy, and some are not. When bacteria grow out of control, then they harmful. So your urine may contain bacteria that can cause infection and gastric problems.

Urine is consists of water and waste, and this waste is the product that the kidney wants to get rid of. But we can’t exactly tell whether this waste contains any toxins or not. When you drink urine again, the kidney again needs to filter the waste that comes into your body after consuming the urine.

It is also unsafe to drink urine when you are taking any medicines. Because when medicines get metabolized, they get out of our body through urine. So drinking urine again will reinforce these medicines in your body.

Drinking your urine is the last option for you when there is no water source. The doctor are not recommending people to drink urine even in case of survival.

So drinking your urine is not safe because it contains bacteria and toxins. So there is no use in drinking urine unless you want those bacteria to enter your body again.

As i said, there is no detailed research on urine therapy, so it is advisable to stay away from urine therapy for medical and cosmetic purposes.


Thursday, 11 February 2021

Painful Urination: Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?

Urination is a normal process, and it is painless, but some time due to some reason urination comes with burning and painful. Several reasons cause painful urination. Painful urination indicates something is not right in your bladder or nearby part of the body. The painful urination is also known as dysuria. Sometimes this pain resolves on its own, but we need to get a diagnosis from the urologist if the pain can’t get away. People who have dysuria feel very discomfort during the urination. Usually in dysuria, the pain is originated in bladder and urethra. There are several reasons for painful urination. We are going to discuss them below:

painful urination

1> Urinary tract infection:

Most of the urine related problems are arises due to the urinary tract infection. Painful urination is also caused due to the urinary tract infection. Due to the bacteria in the bladder, our urinary systems get infected, which causes painful urination. Our urinary system consists of urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. Inflammation and infection in these organs can cause pain during the urination.

There are high chances of urinary tract infection in females than males because women have short urethra than men. So in women, bacteria need to travel an only shorter distance to reach bladder than the men.

UTI is also common in pregnant women’s.

There are also some symptoms of urinary tract infection:

1>Frequent urination

2>Cloudy urine

3>High fever

4>smelly urine

5>Back or side pain


2>Yeast Infection:

Because of yeast’s overgrowth in the vaginal area, the Yeast infection can cause pain during urination. Thick, white discharge is the common symptoms of yeast infection.

 3> Sexually transmitted infection:

STI diseases like Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis and genital herpes can cause painful urination. Some STI doesn’t show any symptoms, so it is essential to get tested for STI. At-home STD kits is the easy way to conduct STD test at home.

 4>Prostate infection

Infection in the prostate can cause painful urination. Some symptoms, like difficulty in urination, frequent urination, and painful ejaculation, indicate the prostate infection. 

5> Kidney stones and infection

Sometimes the infection in the bladder can move up to the kidney, which can cause several issues that you need to cure immediately. Kidney stones can cause painful urination, vomiting, frequent urination, side or back pain, cloudy urine and smelly urine. The kidney stone near the bladder can cause pain during the urination.


Cystitis is caused due to bacterial infection. It irritates the bladder wall. It puts pressure on the bladder area, which causes pain during urination. 


Chemicals in the soap, perfumes, shampoo and toilet paper irritate our skin which causes painful urination. If you are using soap, lotions or any other products to clean your genitals, then it is possible that these products can irritate the vaginal tissues.


Due to the bacteria infection in the urethra causes pain while also increases the urge and frequency of urination


 Medication that are used to treat bladder cancer can cause pain while urinating. Some antibiotics that you take can also have some side effects that can cause painful urination. So talk to your doctor, if you have seen any side effects of the medicines you are taking.



Wednesday, 10 February 2021

The Causes of Frequent Urination in Women and Men

Urination is a normal process; no man or woman on this planet doesn’t urinate. But when you go to the urination more than you usually would, it is called frequent urination.

The urine is store in the bladder, and we empty the urine stored in the bladder through the urination process. There is an increase in the urge to go to the toilet for urination in a frequent urination problem than you usually would. You can’t even concentrate on the work until you urinate. It gives you full relief when you empty your bladder. Frequent urination occurs when you have an overactive bladder.

What is frequent urination?

When you urinate more than eight times in 24 hours, then it is considered as frequent urination.

Several effects of an overactive bladder include lack of concentration, irritation, and disturbed sleep.

The doctor considers going fours time to eight times a day to the toilet is normal. But when you go more than eight times, then you have an overactive bladder. It disturbed night sleep because you have to wake for urination. It is because your bladder is full of urine at night, and it gets empties through the urination process. Sometimes when you drink too much water before going to bed or an hour before bed can cause a full bladder, which will wake you up at midnight for urination.

Frequent Urination

Who experiences frequent urination?

Everyone in any age group can experience frequent urination. But it is more common in middle age and older people. During the pregnancy, the uterus can put pressure on the bladder, which causes frequent urination. People who have an enlarged prostate can suffer from frequent urination.


What causes frequent urination?

There can be several reasons behind frequent urination, from excess fluid in the body to the kidney problem. Let’s talked about the causes of frequent urination.

1> Urinary tract infection:

Urinary tract infection happens when there are bacteria in the bladder. The urinary tract infection is the most common cause of frequent urination. It is due to the inflammation in the urinary system. 

The woman suffers more from Urinary tract infection than the men because women have shorter urethras.UTI can cause holding your urine for a long period, not drinking enough water, vaginal inflammation, and sexual intercourse.

 2> Pregnancy:

 During the pregnancy, a change happens in the urinary system, which causes urinary tract infection. During the early weeks of pregnancy, the urethra are larger in your body, putting pressure on your bladder. It returns to the normal size after childbirth.

The doctor recommends Kegal exercise to avoid bladder problems.

 3> Diabetes:

Frequent urination is the most common symptom of diabetes. Frequent urination is common in type 1 and types 2 diabetes. In diabetes, there is an uncontrolled amount of sugar in the blood, so the kidney needs to do more frequent filtration of the blood, and due to that kidney produces more urine than usual. This urine needs to remove from the body through urination. 

 4> Overactive bladder.

More than 33 million Americans are suffering from the problem of overactive bladder. The overactive bladder can cause frequent urination.

The sudden urge of urination, urination multiple times in a night, and going more than eight times in a day for urination are the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Sometimes due to the injury, increase in body weight, stroke can cause the overactive bladder.

Bladder stones can also cause an overactive bladder.


5> Prostate problems

the enlarged prostate blocks the flow of the urine. It puts pressure on the urinary system. This pressure on the bladder can cause frequent urination. 

6> constipation:

Constipation puts pressure on the bladder and causes frequent urination.


To treat the problem of frequent urination, you have to look at the following things.

1> You have to look at the medicines that you are taking. Sometimes some medications can cause frequent urination

2>You have to take a look at the fluid intake. If you are drinking more water than your body needs, then it can cause frequent urination. Drinking alcohol or caffeine can also cause frequent urination.


1> Limiting the alcohol or caffeine intake can indeed solve the problem of frequent urination

2>Don’t drink water before going to bed so that you will not need to wake up at night for urination

3>Doing the Kegal exercise can certainly solve the problem of urination to some extent.

4> Sometimes, some health issues can cause frequent urination, so you have to consult with the doctor for treatment.



Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Why Is My Urine Dark?

The kidney plays an essential role in a urine making process. Urine is a mixture of water and the waste that filter by the kidney. The kidney gets rid of the waste products in the body through the urine. The digestive system digest the food that we intake, then it passes through the circulatory system. The urine is the waste generated by the kidney in a filtration process. The bladder empties the urine present in the kidney via the urethra.

When you have a clear and pale yellow colour, it indicates that your body is fully hydrated. The colour of urine depends on the amount of water present in the. The less is the water; the darker is the colour of the urine. So the most common reason why your urine is dark because you have less water in your body. Hence your urine consists more waste than water which make the urine dark. Change in urine colour is normal, but sometimes it can indicate the serious issues if you have bloody urine.

Why Is My Urine Dark?

dark urine
Lets talked about what causes dark urine?
When your urine has colour brown, dark yellow, or amber, we considered it dark colour urine. Lets talked about the most common causes of dark urine?
1> Dehydration:
When your urine has less water, then it gets darker in colour. When we are travelling, we didn’t drink enough water, and hence we urinate dark colour urine because our body is dehydrated. We can also have darker urine in the morning because our body is not hydrated in the early morning. Children, aged and older people, and people suffering from diseases like diabetes and cancer usually suffer from dark colour urine because their bodies are more prone to dehydration.
Some signs show your body is dehydrated:
1> Dry mouth and lips
2> Thirst
4> Weakness
You can treat dehydration by drinking plenty of water. If you are diet conscious, then increasing the body fluid by drinking herbal tea is a good idea.

2> Foods and beverages:
Foods that we intake affects the colour of the urine and stool. The food that has Caratone, vitamin B can change the colour of the urine. Food colour can also change the colour of the urine. Beet, Blackberries can cause dark urine. Sometimes some medication can change this urine colour to the orange, green, blue and red. Laxatives drug that used for treating constipation, chemotherapy drugs can change the colour of the urine.

3> Urinary tract infection:
We have seen people who have UTI infection has dark colour urine. We have also seen the women tend to have urinary tract infection than men. The problem of UTI arises when bacteria get into the bladder.
Some symptoms of UTI:
1>Cloudy or dark colour urine
2> Frequent urination
3> burning sensation during urination.

4> Hepatitis C
hepatitis C affects the liver process, so it causes the change of urine colour to the dark. Unprotected sex, used syringes and injection can cause the hepatitis C

Dark urine can be because of the following diseases:
2> Cancer
3> Kidney problems
4>Kidney stones
5> Bladder stones
8> Pancreatic cancer

Treatments for dark urine:

1> People who suffer from dark urine have less body fluid. So to solve the problem of dehydration, you have to increase fluid intake. Drink plenty of water and juice to increase body fluid.
2>If you have seen dark colour urine because of certain foods that you were eating, then stopping that food can change the urine colour to the normal.
3>If you still have dark colour pee even after drinking water and stoping foods that cause dark pee, it is better to advise the doctor.


Monday, 8 February 2021

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your Body?

Marijuana, also known as weed, is a popular drug among people of all ages. THC is the main ingredient of marijuana. It is the chemical that gives you the High feeling that you want. The marijuana (THC) can stay in your system for several days to weeks. As we know that marijuana is illegal in the united states, Millions of Americans are misusing marijuana, and these numbers are increasing every year. Almost 10% of the American population had used marijuana. We have seen people are smoking marijuana in pipes, joints, and bongs.

How is marijuana metabolized?

When you smoke marijuana, the THC is get absorbed into the bloodstream from the lung. Then this THC is then transferred to the brain and other organs into the body. Some of the THC is stored in these organs and fatty tissues for a temporary period of time. The effect of marijuana can feel immediately after the intake, and this effect generally lasts for upto 3 hours. In the case of edible marijuana, the person may not get an immediate effect. It will take around one hour to feel the effect, and this effect ususally lasts for several hours.

Here are some common effects of marijuana?

People are smoking marijuana to get the high feeling in a short time. It gives them a relaxation feeling and a sense of well being. Some other effects of marijuana are below when you regularly smoke it

1> Anxiety

2> Lack of concentration

3>Lack of decision making

4> Mood swing

5> Confusion

6> feeling sick

7>Dry mouth 

8>Dry eyes


10>Congnitvie, memory and learning impairment

11>Heart disease and stroke

12>Lung infection

Pregnant women should avoid smoking weed during pregnancy. It can cause congenital disability and memory impairment issues in your child.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your Body?

Weed gives you the instant high feeling, but its feeling can last for short hours. It gives you the sense of relaxing, giggling, and chattiness feeling. Hence people tend to fall in love with weed. Various factors affect how long marijuana stays in the system. THC, the main chemical in marijuana, will stay in your system depend on your ages, body fat, metabolism, how much they smoke, and how many times they smoke. Let’s talked about these factors in detail.THC can stay longer in your system than alcohol. The drug test detects the THC, the active chemical of marijuana in the urine, saliva, hair, and blood.

Marijuana can stay three days to 30 days in your system. Sometimes it can stay longer than 30 days for people who regularly smoke marijuana. So the marijuana detection window depends on the frequency of intake and amount of intake.

Marijuana detection window:

The saliva, urine, blood, and hair test are the most commonly used test for detecting THC in the system.

How long does weed stay in the urine?

The weed can stay in the urine for 3 to 30 days. Below is the details of how long weed stays in the system depend on the number of time marijuana smoked and the amount of marijuana intaken.

For Light user, who smoke three times a week, marijuana can stay in the light user’s urine for up to 3 days.THC can stay in person urine for upto seven days for the moderate smoker who smokes four times a week. The weed can stay in the heavy weed smoker’s urine who smokes marijuana multiple times a day for more than 30 days.

How long does weed stay in the blood?

The weed gets absorbed into the bloodstream as soon as it gets smoked. These THC metabolites can stay in the blood for days. Typically the weed can stay in the blood of the smoker for 1 to 2 days.

How long does weed stay in the saliva?

The weed can stay in the saliva for 1 to 3 days for a light smoker. It can stay in saliva for upto 30 days for a heavy smoker.

How long does weed stay in the hair?

The weed gets dissolved in the bloodstream, and it can get transferred to the other parts of the body, including hair, urine, and saliva. The THC can stay in the person’s hair upto 90 days after the last use.

Drug testing.

Urine drug testing detects weed in your system upto 30 days after the last intake, Hair drug test upto 90 days, and saliva drug test upto 30 days after last use.

Factors that affect how long marijuana stays in the system.

1>THC amount in marijuana: THC amount in marijuana affect how long it stays in the sytem.The Higher the THC amount in marijuana, the higher the time body will take to remove the THC.

2>Body Fat: THC is fat-soluble; when you smoke marijuana, it gets stored in the fat cells in the body. The people who have a high-fat percentage metabolize the THC slower than people who have less body fat. Hence THC will stay longer in the person who has a high BMI.

Females have more body fat than men. Hence THC stays longer amount of time female body than men.

3>Metabolism rate: if you want the THC to get out of the body quickly, you should improve your metabolism rate. The THC will stay longer in the system of people who have a slow metabolism.

4> Frequency of intake: THC will stay longer in a heavy smoker system than the occasional smoker.

5>Amount of Marijuana intake: If you intake a high THC dose, it will stay in your system for a more extended time.


Sunday, 7 February 2021

How long does alcohol stay in your urine?

When we drink alcohol, there are several ways from which it gets out of the body. The alcohol is breaking down by the liver, the majority of the alcohol gets absorbed by the bloodstream. Our body metabolism the alcohol at the rate of 20mg/dl per hour. Our body needs around 3 hours to metabolize 60ml/dl blood alcohol level as per this rate. Although alcohol goes, the gets the same digestive process as other foods. But alcohol does not get extensive digestion as food gets. The blood absorbed the significant percent of the alcohol enter the body. The food present in the stomach can also absorb the alcohol.

How long alcohol stays in the system depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the rate at which your body metabolism occurs. The faster the metabolism, the faster the alcohol gets out of your body. One thing that i want to clear is each person has its metabolism rate. Some people metabolize alcohol faster, and some metabolize alcohol slower. The 10% of alcohol consumed goes out of your body through urine, sweat, and breath. The rest 90% of alcohol gets broken down in a metabolism process.


Let’s talked about the alcohol metabolism process:

The alcohol metabolized at the same rate Irrespective of weight, age, and height. But some people take longer to feel the effect of the alcohol due to the BAC. The BAC (Blood alcohol concentration) levels tell the amount of alcohol in your blood. The BAC level is measured in relation to the amount of water in your blood. The BAC level increase with the alcohol intake. The more you intake alcohol, the more the upward increase in the BAC level. We can’t control the metabolism rate, but we can certainly control the BAC level. Here are some factors that can affect the BAC.
2> Age
3> Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach
4> Liver problem
5> Drinking too much alcohol in a short time
6> Drinks that contain a high level of alcohol that can take a long time to metabolize

The BAC level tells a lot more about how much you have drunk. If your BAC level is around 0.05%, then you will show some characteristics of intoxication. At 0.05% level, you should not drive a vehicle. Your ability to drive a vehicle is significantly affected at this level. At 0.07% level, you are completly drunk. Here are some of the signs of intoxication.
1> Lack of concentration
2> Difficulty in remembering things
3> Slow breathing
4>Trouble in speaking

Alcohol drinking can lead to addiction. Some people think that they can control their alcohol habits, but they can’t. So it is better to stay away from alcohol addiction. We also see people addicted to the alcohol and drugs commits several crimes like robbery, hit and run, motor accident and violence. Sometimes alcohol addiction can lead people to suicide.

How long does alcohol stay in the system?

Alcohol can stay in the system from 10 hours to 90 days. The alcohol traces can stay in your hair for up to 90 days. Alcohol can stay in your blood for 10 to 20 hours after the last intake. The smell of alcohol can stay in the breath for around 24 hours. So alcohol breathalyzers can detect the alcohol in the breath up to 24 hours after the intake. The bloodstream absorbs most alcohol so that alcohol can stay in the blood for up to 12 hours. The traces of alcohol can stay in your saliva for up to 1 to 5 days. The half-life of ethanol is around 5 hours, meaning that the average body needs five hours to eliminate half amount of alcohol that you have intake. Several factors affect how long alcohol stays in your system. This factor varies from person to person.

1> Age: The alcohol stays longer in older people because of the slow liver working. So it takes a longer time to remove the alcohol from the body. Young people’s liver works faster than older people; hence the alcohol will stay in the system shorter than older people.
2> Gender: Alcohol stays longer in the woman because they have high body fate and low body fluid than men.
3> Body fat: The more body fat, the more alcohol will stay in your body. Alcohol will stay longer in an obese person than the fit person
4>Genetics history: The genetic history also influence how long alcohol stays in your system
5>Food: Food also impacts how long alcohol stays in the system. Eating before the drinking or eating while drinking alcohol can slow down the absorption
The urine test, breath test, saliva test, hair follicle test, and blood test can detect the presence of alcohol in your body.


Saturday, 6 February 2021

Why does my urine smell?

The urine contains ammonia and uric acid that is why it has little ammonia smell. Every person’s urine has a unique smell. We often see that our urine smell stronger than it usually does. There are some causes of smelly urine, and one of the most common cause is infection.

You don’t need to worry about urine smell every time you get smelly urine. If you are continuously suffering from unusual smelly urine or strong urine, you need to go to the doctor for the urine check. We all have been gone through the situation where we sit down in the toilet, and that nasty smell of urine comes. We think that the smell comes from the bathroom, but we realize that smell comes from our urine. There are many times urine has a bad odor, the time it can be harmless, but sometimes, the bad urine odor indicates something is unusual happening with our body. If the bad odor does not go away in a few days, we have to consult with the doctor to determine what causes urine to smell bad.

why does my urine smell

Why does my urine smell?

Let’s talk about some of the reason why does the urine smell bad. 

Dehydration: Dehydration means our body is not getting enough water to process, which causes urine to smell. If your pee is in dark yellow or orange, then it can be due to less fluids in the body. Our body waste and water make the urine. We intake less water meaning that our urine has more waste than water, which causes urine to smell bad. The color of urine can tell you whether you are dehydrated or not. If your urine has a dark honey color, it is due to dehydration, meaning you need to intake more water to normalize the urine. The transparent or light yellow color urine means that your body is hydrated, so if you are still getting a bad odor, there may be other reasons. Other than the color of urine, dizziness, dry mouth, weakness are few symptoms of dehydration.


Many people get the smell of urine when they eat certain food like asparagus. Not all people who eat asparagus get the bad smell. Asparagus has asparagus acid, which makes urine smell strong, and this smell will go away when the asparagus has passed through your body. If the odor persists even after the asparagus passed through your body, then you need to seek for doctor advice. The asparagus and alcohol, onion, garlic, salmon food can cause the strong urine smell. If you are eating such foods and getting a strong urine smell, you don’t need to worry much about it.

Other than these foods, your coffee habits can influence the odor of the urine. Coffee metabolites can give your urine a strange smell. Coffee metabolites make you pee a lot, which removes the sodium and extra fluid available in the body. Hence the urine will have less fluid and more waste, so it smells strange.

3>Diabetes: When you have diabetes, your blood has excess sugar. Due to that, the body can’t process the urine. So our body tries to get rid of this excess glucose through the urine. Hence people who have diabetes or symptoms are diabetes has a sweet, fruity urine smell. Apart from smelly urine, if you have frequent urination problems, you might have diabetes. I suggest you consult with the doctor ASAP.

4> UTI or urinary tract infection:

Bacteria can cause urine to smell bad. Frequent urination, dark or cloudy urine, the urge of frequent urination, and burning sensation are UTI symptoms. You need to consult with the doctor for urinary tract information treatment. The doctor will recomend you antibacterial to kill the infection caused by the bacteria.

5>Yeast infection: Yeast infection in the vagina can cause a bad urine smell.Itching, gray or white discharge, burning sensation, redness are few symptoms of yeast infection.

6> Sexually transmitted infection: STIs like gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and Chlamydia can change the urine smell.

7>Kidney and urine stone: Kidney and urine stone can change the smell of the urine. You immediately need to seek a doctor’s attention if you have kidney stones. Kidney stones are painful can cause vomiting, bleeding, frequent urination, back pain, burning sensation, and pain.

If you are continuously getting a strong urine smell, then it is due to some liver disease. If you have seen vomiting, nausea, bloating, cloudy urine, jaundice, and smelly urine, it is due to some kidney disease.


Friday, 5 February 2021

How long does drugs stay in your system?

The pre-employment drug test are common for job screening purpose, and you have to prepare for the test. We have seen a tremendous increase in drug abuse all over the world. We have also seen in drug abuse in the workplace, so companies are strict about drug abuse.

The drug test detects the various drugs present in the person system. We have seen people asking a question like how long do drugs stay in the system. The answer to how long do drugs stay in the system is the amount of drugs intaken, frequency of the drug intake, type of drug and person overall health. Knowing about how long drugs stay in the system will help in passing the drug test. Drug test are conducted to maintain law enforcement. It is also useful for court proceeding of a drug abuser. We have seen some drugs stays in the body for weeks or even. Some drugs are also get wiped out of the body in just a few hours. How long drugs will stay in the system is varies from person to person. The Drug half-life tells about the amount of time the body takes to remove half the drugs’ size.

Some people get scared of drugs. The drug is a foreign substance that is intaken to get the special effect on the body. It can be illegal drug or legally medically prescribed drug. Sometimes the doctor prescribed you a drug for treating a specific health condition. You should take the particular prescribed drug under the doctor administration. We can’t predict the exact timeline for how long drugs will stay in our urine, saliva and body. Each person has its capacity of processing drugs, some people have fast metabolism rate, such people process drug faster, and hence it will get wiped out from the body quickly than people who have low metabolism rate. Age is also one of the factors that influence how long drugs will stay in the system. The younger person has good overall health for drug processing than the older people. The drug detection window varies from person to person as every situation and drug is different. So we can’t exactly tell how long drug will stay in the system.

how long does drug stay in your system
Drug half-life, fluid balance, kidney and liver functioning also influence the time taken to remove drugs from the body. If you are worried about the drugs you have taken, you will get detected in the urine test. My advice to you is to do not take any illegal drugs. Do not take any drugs without a doctor prescription. It will put you in trouble if you have consuming illegal drugs. Drugs test are also used for child custody, divorce,pre-employee test and in some legal matter. You will not get child custody if you get tested positive for drugs. So it is the best option to avoid taking drugs.
Depending on the drug test’s aim, the authority can ask you to submit the drug test’s urine or blood. Blood, urine, hair and saliva is a common type of drug test. We have seen companies prefer urine test over saliva and blood test as its is an easy and affordable way of drug testing.
The hair follicle test is more accurate than other tests, but it is expensive than other test types.
Let’s talk about how long does drug stay in your system.Below we were given the estimation of how longs drug stays in the system.

How longs does marijuana stay in the system?

Marijuana: Marijuana can stay in the person urine for upto 90 days, it can stay in saliva upto 72 hours, in hair upto 90 days and blood upto 4 hours.

How longs does morphine stay in the system?

urine test: Up to 3 days after the last intake
Hair test: Up to 90 days after the last intake
blood test: Up to 3 days after the last intake
Here You can find more information on how long does opioids stays in the body

How longs does heroin stay in the system?

urine test: Up to 3 days after the last intake
Hair test: Up to 90 days after the last intake
blood test: Up to 6 hours after the last intake
saliva test: Up to 1 hours after the last intake

How longs does methadone stay in the system?

urine test: Up to 12 days after the last intake
Hair test: Up to 90 days after the last intake
blood test: Up to 24 hours after the last intake
saliva test: Up to 10 days after the last intake

How longs does Benzodiazepine stay in the system?

Benzodiazepine are commonly prescribed drugs for a patient suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression. It is also heavily misused by people of various ages. Benzodiazepine stays in the body for two days to 7 days depend on the person overall health.


Thursday, 4 February 2021

What is specific gravity of urine?

A urine test tells a lot of things about the person’s health. It is a painless and efficient way to check the health status of the patient. There are various things that labs look at in your urine, and one such thing is the specific gravity of the urine. The urine gravity test is conducted to compare the urine density to the density of the water.

What is specific gravity of urine

specific gravity of urine

The specific gravity of the urine defines the concentration of all the chemical particles in the urine. It is also called USG (urine specific gravity). It shows the health status of your kidney and how well your kidney is diluting your urine. The lab checks the specific gravity of the urine by using a dipstick. The dipstick change tells about the specific gravity of the urine. When the kidney not properly able to process your urine, then your urine become too concentrated. It means that your body is not getting enough water. You need to drink plenty of water to solve this issue. When you have diabetes, your urine is not concentrated enough, which can cause thirst. The urine specific gravity tells about your hydration and the function of the kidney.
The kidney plays a significant role in the filtration of the blood. It balance the electrolyte in the body. The urine specific gravity test is conducted when you have the following abnormalities in the body.

1> Low body fluid, also known as dehydration
2> Excess body fluid, also known as overhydration
3>Sugar in the urine
4> Heart failure
5> Kidney failure.
6>Low and high sodium level in the blood
8>urinary tract infection
9>Brain injuries

The urine specific gravity test evaluates the urine concentration and tells about the water balance in the body. It gives the estimation of the protein and glucose present in the urine.

How to prepare for the urine specific gravity test?

USG test can be performed at the bedside, and it can also be performed by sending a urine sample to the lab for the USG test. The patient should fast 12 hours before the urine sample collection. You should not take any drugs that increase USG.
You should consult the doctor before taking the dose. There is nothing to get discomfort about the USG test. For the USG test, the lab only requires your urine.
The USG test is usually conducted in the morning. The lab collects one or two ounces of your urine. The lab will give you a specimen cup for urine collection. Urinate in a specimen cup given to you, and the lab will need only a small amount of your urine. The fresh morning urine is the most concentrated. The fresh urine sample will ensure the best result, so it is essential to give the test’s fresh urine. The labs now prefer the refractometer method over the dipstick method. The refractometer is a reliable way of measuring the specific gravity of the urine.

Analyzing the result of USG (the urine specific gravity test).

When your urine is too concentrated, it gets dark in color, which means you are not drinking enough water. When you are well hydrated, your urine gets lighter. Looking at the color of the urine is not gives you all the information. The USG test tells about the overall concentration of the urine. An average person with a healthy kidney has the specific gravity in a range of 1.002 and 1.030, which means that your kidney is working properly. The specific gravity above 1.010 indicates dehydration, which means that you have extra substances like glucose, protein, red and white cells, bacteria in your urine.


Wednesday, 3 February 2021

How long does xanax stay in your urine

Xanax is one of the popular benzodiazepine class drugs that is used for treating anxiety and panic disorder. Doctor prescribe Xanax to the patient who has anxiety and panic-related issues. Xanax is also used to treat sleep problems, seizures and muscle pain. It works directly on the nervous system to depressing it. People who suffer from anxiety and panic attack take Xanax to calm down the nervous system to get the pleasing calm effect. Like other addictive drugs, Xanax is a highly addictive drug. Because Xanax gives a calm feeling, Some people get into the habit of taking Xanax pills. Xanax can stay in your body for upto 90 days. If the drug test has happened within the 90 days, then the Xanax will show in your system,

There are various type of drug test that can detect Xanax in your system. Drug test are designed to detect the drugs in a person body. Our body takes 11 hours to eliminate half size of Xanax that we consume, which means that Xanax has a half-life of 11 hours. Several factors have an effect on the half-life of Xanax. If a person has a good metabolism rate, then Xanax can get out of the system in 7 hours. If a person has a low metabolism rate, the body needs around 27 hours to get Xanax out of the system. Healthy and active person with good eating habits can eliminate Xanax quickly from the system than the obese patient. Age, gender, weight and fat content, amount of Xanax intake effects time need to remove Xanax from the system. Xanax needs 1 to 2 hours to work to calm down the nervous system. Currently, there is no clear information about Xanax working.


Unlike heroin, opiates, Xanax has a lower potential for misuse. However, there some side effects and risk attached with Xanax drug. Although Xanax is used for treating anxiety, it is observed that taking Xanax can cause depression, itching, rashes and swelling. It is also observed that forgetfulness, confusion, change in sex drive, drowsiness are due to the Xanax. Some people even notice difficulty to speak and in sleeping.
Some people feel a burning sensation while urinating and some feeling week and tired.
If you have noticed any symptoms mentioned above of Xanax side effect then immediately contact your doctor. Do not take or stop Xanax without doctor permission. Xanax is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding mother.

How long does Xanax stay in your urine?.

Xanax can stay in your urine for upto five days. The urine drug test detects then Xanax in your urine if conducted within the five days after the intake. Xanax will take several days to get out of your blood completly. Some labs can detect Xanax in your blood upto five days. Xanax can stay in your saliva for two days. Xanax can reside in your hair for upto 12 months. You have to be very careful with the drug test. Some employers do not like the employees who take drugs like Xanax without prescription. Urine test is a common method to detect Xanax in person urine. As we all know, Xanax will stay in urine for five days, so you have to consider this before going for the test.


Tuesday, 2 February 2021

How long do opiates stay in urine?

Opiates is a highly addictive drug made from the opium plant. Opiates are used for painkilling because it has excellent painkilling property. It is highly illegal to use opiates without medical prescription. It is one of the most popular drugs in the black market. It is a highly addictive drug, and it has been highly misused drug. One research shows that over 30 millions people misused opiates.

It is available without a medical prescription in a black market. The effect of opiates last for several hours, and it gets out of our body quickly as it has short half-lives. As i said, opiates are highly addictive, do not take opiates without a doctor prescription. Stay away from the person who sells opiates without prescription. Various types of drug test like urine, blood test detect the opiates misuse. Several factors decide how long do opiates stay in our body and urine. Opiates should be taken orally so that it gets passed through the digestion system.


How long do opiates stay in urine?

The answer to your question of how long do opiates stay in their urine is 90 days. the opiates can be detected in blood, urine and saliva is as many as 90 days. Several factors decide how longs opiates stay in the system. When we intake opiates, it gets digested by the stomach and liver. The how long opiates stay in the system depends on the person’s metabolism rate, quality of opiates, opiates intakes, Weight, body mass, body fat content, age, and health of liver and kidney. The half-life of opiates like methadone is 24 to 36 hours; the half-life of drugs means the body’s amount of time to remove the half amount of drugs from the body naturally. Our body may take upto 90 days to remove the opiates entirely. The healthy person who has reasonable metabolism rate can quickly remove opiates from the system than an unhealthy person. The health of kidney and liver also influence how long do opiates stay in our system.

Depend on how powerful is your pain doctor recommend the various type of opiates. Opiates have three types of the half-life: long-acting, short-acting, and rapid-onset as i told you before that it is illegal to intake opiates without proper medical prescription. The drug test can detect the opiates in your body. Saliva, blood and urine test are the most commonly used drug test. Saliva drug test has a small detection window and can only detect the opiates if it is intaken within past 5 five hours. A blood test is also like the saliva test; it has small detection window and can only detect the opiates if it is intaken within the past six hours. However, the urine test is very accurate and has a long detection window. A urine drug test can catch the opiates up to 7 days after the last use.
If you have intake opiates without medical prescription and if you have any upcoming urine test in the office, then there are very high chances that you will get caught in that test. You will lose your job if you cannot give the valid reason you intaken opiates. So, in that case, you need to use powdered urine.


Monday, 1 February 2021

How long does hydrocodone stay in urine

Hydrocodone is a popular pain reliever that is used to relieve pain. Not all people can use hydrocodone for pain-relieving. Hydrocodone is used by only those people who can’t be treated with other pain relief methods. People who suffer from back pain or chronic pain take hydrocodone. It would be best if you had a doctor’s prescription to buy hydrocodone. Hydrocodone gives a relaxing and pleasant effect. People purchase hydrocodone without a prescription from the black market. We see that many online websites sell hydrocodone without prescription. Hydrocodone is made from the resin of poppy seeds. It blocks the feeling of pain by binding and activating the mu opiate receptors.


In recent years, there is a lot of increase in illegal hydrocodone sale. As hydrocodone gives a relaxing effect, people often misuse the hydrocodone for another purpose. Sometimes overdose of hydrocodone can cause death. If you use hydrocodone without a doctor’s prescription and don’t know when to take the dosage of the hydrocodone, you are at high risk. Hydrocodone slows heart rates, and it should not be taken with alcohol. Some alcoholic people take hydrocodone without a doctor’s prescription. It is dangerous to use hydrocodone with alcohol as hydrocodone slows the breath rate. There are high chances that your brain will not get enough oxygen when you take hydrocodone with alcohol. It can damage your brain and can cause death.

Overdose of hydrocodone can cause liver damage or failure. Hydrocodone is an addictive substance, and hence we see it is most popular on the black market. Due to its addictive nature, hydrocodone is classified as a Schedule II substance after more than 13000 people lose its life due to hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an oral drug; it takes one hour to feel its effect. If you are continuously taking hydrocodone, then you might not see the soothing and pain relief. In such cases, you need to consult with the doctor. Do not increase the hydrocodone dose without doctor advice.

How long does hydrocodone stay in urine

The effect of hydrocodone will last for four hours after the intake. On average healthy human body take around four hours to eliminate half of the hydrocodone dose. However, the traces of hydrocodone drugs is still visible in the urine, saliva, and blood. It takes several days to get hydrocodone completly out of the body. The traces of hydrocodone in urine is visible for upto four days after the intake. If you have a urine drug test in these four days, then the use of hydrocodone will show up in the urine test.
It is visible for 12 to 36 hours, and in hair, its is visible for upto 90 days. Some people started to feel the pain again after the hydrocodone gets out of the body. For such patients, doctors prescribe taking hydrocodone every four to six hours.
Several other factors influence how long does hydrocodone stay in the urine. Some people will take one day to remove the hydrocodone from blood, and some take several days to get hydrocodone completly out of the body.

Let’s discuss the factors that influence how long does hydrocodone stay in the urine.

1> Body mass and body fat content
2> Metabolism
3> How long you have been using hydrocodone for pain relief
4> Your Age
6> Liver health
7> Your past medical conditions


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